At Cozy Convos, we are redefining the call of Christian women, by maximizing our strengths and potential while having fun, real discussions, and providing environments for accountability and not judgment.
What we believe
9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
To demonstrate a standard of Godliness that impacts lives in our homes, our church, our workplace and our community for Christ
To establish a movement where God can minister to women as He desires
To remove the masks. To share stories — Everyone has a story and no one is alone
To provide opportunities for women to maximize their strengths and potential
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
To Be Still, Be Obedient, Be Honest, Be Bold and Confident, Be Thankful
To have fun, real discussions, provide environments for accountability and not judgment
touched across the country through our Signature Events, Socials, Special Events, Retreat and our newest addition- Cruisin' with Cozy Convos. We have a partnership to serve the residents of City Walk of City Square.
Do healthy female relationships exist? Are all females catty? Can a group of females gather to embrace, empower and encourage one another? Yes, No and Yes, respectively.
Before you continue to read, take a deep breath and relax because what I am going to share with you will prayerfully change the perception on how you view yourself. Yes!, you have the power to become the change agent on how you relate to women, learn to walk out what true transparency looks like (unmask) and challenge yourself to grow in God’s Holy Word.
Each quarter Cozy Convos provides an avenue where Christian women gather to equip one another to become the BEST person possible, encourage each other by living out the scripture; “let your speech be seasoned with salt (Colossians 4:6) and to edify the name of Jesus. Sounds like Utopia doesn’t it?
Cozy Convos allows women the ability to embrace who you are, where you are and help you discover what your God-given purpose in life is. In my opinion, it is refreshing to meet so many loving women with the same purpose in mind. And that is to meet each lady where they are without judging, learn practical tools for success all while having fun.
Each session I have attended has been done with the spirit of excellence. The agendas are filled with a powerful guest speaker, mini workshops, tools to encourage you to grow and let you know the importance of building your own personal relationship with our Christ Jesus. And please do not let me forget to mention the food is scrumptious. I have laughed. I have cried. I have danced. I have been encouraged. Most of all I have felt God’s presence, love and power.
Kudos to the Cozy Convos Team!! I pray that our Sovereign God continues to bless these events and for you ladies to know that what you are doing for His Kingdom is not in vain. …To God be the GLORY.
Written By Cozy Convos Attendee, Vickie Ennis
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Past events
Special Event: "Let's Talk About Weight, Ba-By!"
Summer 2016: "I Should Have Been..." continued... BREAK FREE
Spring 2016: "I Should Have Been..."
Cozy Convos is led by a team who together pour their talents, heart for the ministry and love for the Cozy Convos ladies into everything they do. Each will tell you how humbled they were to be asked by Dr. G to join her in the journey, and even more amazed at how much the ministry has grown and impacted others, themselves and the team as a whole.
It’s amazing how a love for Christ and strong belief in Sisterhood can bond a group of strangers and create a group of women who promote, cultivate and embody: Encouragement, Strength, Leadership, Accountability and Love toward others and themselves.