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NEW BOOK Release!



Have you ever been told that you are “too much,” “too loud,” or “too energetic”? Have you ever dimmed your light out of fear of judgement? Have you ever apologized for being who you are? Have you ever downplayed yourself? Have you ever code-switched to fit in? If so, Look, Stop Hiding: How to Find Your Voice and Never Dim Your Light Again is for you!


Dr. Kristen Guillory wants you to know that you are fabulous and enough, and as she says, “Those very things you are hiding and have been told are ‘too’ something, might be the very things you’ve been blessed with to bless others.” Through personal stories and wisdom, Dr. Guillory shares her experiences of no longer hiding her light, her respective success, and how she has helped others achieve greatness, too.


In Look, Stop Hiding: How to Find Your Voice and Never Dim Your Light Again, Dr. Guillory provides thought-provoking questions, affirmation work, challenges, and suggestions at the end of each chapter to help move you in a confident, self-assured direction to shine bright as your authentic self: never compromising your individuality again. With a background in mental health, Dr. Guillory also provides the mental and emotional dangers of continuing to dim your light. As a renowned speaking and storytelling coach, Dr. Guillory concludes this life-changing book with 41 not-so-typical public speaking tips to help you find your authentic voice.


So, grab a pen and your journal and get ready to embark on a journey never to dim your light again. As Dr. Guillory loves to say, “If your light is too bright, they can put on sunglasses."






Dr. Kristen Guillory, is the president of KSGUILLORY Enterprises. As a sought-after speaker, author, and trainer who has been featured and contributed to news outlets such as CBS, FOX Affiliates, and Forbes, she uses a signature method that incorporates her own life experiences, contagious enthusiasm, dance, and a touch of humor.


With experience speaking to over 100,000 attendees in events throughout the United States, Dr. Guillory has coached celebrities, educators, mothers, CEOs in more than 7 countries through her signature Dr. Guillory experience.


Dr. Guillory has authored several books including Walking Through the Fog: Holding on to Hope When You Can't See the Sun and her newest book Look, Stop Hiding! How to Find Your Voice and Never Dim Your Light Again!


With experience as a Social Work and Counseling Professor for 12 years, Dr. Guillory taught her first college course at the age of 24 and graduated with her Ph.D. at 27: being the only woman and person of color during the time to earn a Ph.D. from her department.


In addition to her work as a professor, she also has extensive experience in mental health as a therapist, program director, advocate, and trainer, with her most requested topics centered on self-care and compassion fatigue, and the power of your voice.


Dr. Guillory is a very very very proud aunt who loves to solo travel, has set her life up to feel like a vacation, and believes in the power of self-care, leaning into ease hosts self-care trips for women and loves to dance!

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