Host your VIRTUAL event in 30 days!
An ON DEMAND Masterclass presented by
Dr. Kristen Guillory
where you will learn her proven 34 step virtual event planning strategy to successfully promote, execute, and follow up!

"Have you ever desired to host a virtual event, but the thought of doing so left you feeling overwhelmed or flustered? Do you have an awesome idea or amazing content that you want to share with as many people as possible, but don’t know how to get started or how to effectively utilize your social media platforms to accomplish your goals?
Don’t feel bad. I felt this way too until I reached out to Dr. Kristen Guillory and she helped to get me all the way together when I decided to host my first virtual event. She gave me all the tips, tricks, and tools to show up as my authentic self while making sure I was able to make the maximum impact by helping me leverage the platforms I had at my disposal to ensure my first virtual event was successful. Dr. G has a way of taking the overwhelming pressure off, but also challenging you to do the work and stay on task while reminding you not to attach negative emotions to your work as well as reminding you to have fun.
When I say she has a strategy for everything I mean it, she has a strategy for EVERYTHING. She has a way of breaking things that need to be done in small manageable pieces that only take a few minutes of your time, but have enormous outcomes. I don’t know if I would have been as confident as I was when I hosted my first virtual event in December 2020 had it not been for Dr. G coaching and cheering me on through the process. Since that time I’ve gone on to host many more virtual events utilizing Dr. G’s strategies and techniques.
I highly recommend you take her course if this is something you want to do and want to do it well."
Valencia Carter- Bennett - Attorney & MSSW
Have you wanted to host a face to face event and due to Covid, you've postponed it?
Do you have a message you need to get out?
Do you have to turn a face-to-face event into a virtual one?
Do you want to increase the number of people who attend your virtual events?
You WANT TO HOST an invitation-only event or virtual game night?
You have wanted to host a workshop,conference for a while and ready to host it virtually!
Do you want to reach more people with your message?

Listen, make sure you are ready to WORK when you sign up for coaching with Dr. G. My initial session was only 1 hour and I walked away with confidence and tips to make my virtual event a success. After following Dr. G's proven methods, my registration increased from 10 to 46. Trust the process, make the progress, and see results. I recommend anything Dr. G is offering without reservation!
~ Shavon Cormick
Thank you Dr. Guillory for such an engaging and inspiring presentation! I was learning so much so fast and you are a clear champion of the Zoom format. I learned so much just from observing your incredible style and you definitely dropped a megaton of knowledge.
~Asabi Adedapo Ifatunj
Hey, hey I'm
I am soooo excited to help you host your virtual event!! Whether you want to host a workshop, webinar, masterclass, conference, 5-day challenge, panel discussion, and more, I got you!
I have been hosting events for almost 20 years. I have hosted over 150 events that have served over 40,000 people. My events have served anywhere from 20 -900 people. I have planned youth conferences, women's events, men's events, concerts, Speaker Bootcamps, Masterclasses, Cruises (yes cruises!), Retreats and more! Over the years, I have developed a signature event planning and hosting strategy! Fun fact-- about 5 years ago 2 friends recommended that I lead workshops on how to host events and I thought that was a crazy idea. I had never considered it. They both said, "You host them often and you are excellent at it." I would put what they said in my back pocket.
I hosted my first virtual event in March 2018. Who would have known that we would be where we are now with the majority of events pivoting to virtual ones.
It is very important to me to do things in excellence and provide a fun and engaging experience virtually!! Since April 2020, I have helped dozens of people promote and execute amazing virtual events!! I have hosted over 35 virtual events serving people in over 7 countries!
Now it's your turn!!
I am a VERY proud aunt, international speaker, speaker & business coach, solo traveler, business owner, and author. I bring an extensive and unique background to my work and I truly want to see you win!! I have spoken over 1,000 times to over 100,000 people in Fortune 50 Companies, Universities, School Districts, and more in cities in the United States and South America. Since April 2020, I have spoken at over 35 virtual events and I consistently hear that my talks and trainings are the most interactive they've experienced online!
I love being a speaker coach! Scratch that! My clients say, it is sooo much more than coaching. They call it the "Dr. Guillory Experience"! I have coached celebrities, Olympians, educators, mothers, CEOs, counselors, and more.
In addition to being a speaker & business coach, I have a background in mental health and social work, also am a former professor of 12 years, with God-given gifts and talents that I use to push my clients.
Spoken to audiences
for over 14 years
Spoken over 1,000 times
Spoken to groups of 5 to 3000+
Spoken to over 100,000 people
Has commanded top dollar
Have hosted more that 150 (over 35 virtual) events including
I Recognize Speaker Bootcamps*
Public Speaking Masterclasses*
Self Care for Medical Professionals Workshop*
How to be Engaging and Effective Online Masterclass*
Cozy Convos events for
Candid Conversations
Move & Breathe*
Youth Conferences
Rites of Passage
A Keynote
Commencement Speaker
Workshop Presenter
Dallas Morning News
Fox affiliates
CBS affiliates
Radio Stations
Over 30 podcasts
Featured Speaking & Training Clients

There is soooo much opportunity in the virtual space! We can now reach people we never have, we can connect in different ways, we can get out our message more than a few times without the expense of food, venue space and more!
Yes, you can be just as engaging online!
Yes, you need a strategy for an online event!
Watch the video to see a brief recap of the Dec 2020 I Recognize Speaker Bootcamp!
Dr. Stacia Alexander
Counselor, Speaker, Emotionality of Success Strategist
Dr. G went through a step-by-step plan with me for setting up my webinar. I am 100% certain I reached my registration goals with her prepping method. My goal was 200 and 233 registered! We even walked through the wording of my posts and emails!! Her expertise is exceptional!
Brandi Anderson
Makeup Artist, Founder - B Anderson Makeup Collection, Speaker
Dr. Guillory gave me the strategies to lay out and execute my Step into Bold 5-day challenge. She walked me through how to lay out everything. Originally, I only wanted 10 people. but she challenged me to get 50 people. 57 women registered!
Danielle Anderson
Fitness Instructor, Wellness Educator and Advocate
Not only is Dr. Guillory a voice of encouragement, but she will also hold your hand through things you think are scary. For me, it was setting the price. What she is providing is priceless!
She'll give you specific encouragement catered specifically to your event.
She walked through specific content for me to put in my reels, she helped me create a banner and registration page. And she even showed me how to maneuver in Zoom. Being able to practice break-out rooms--was so valuable. Yes, she is my sister, but I have also taken her classes, and I recommend her to anyone!"
Learn how Dr. Herndon was able to pivot during the pandemic!
June 2020 Virtual Bootcamp Testimonies!
Check out what Brandi Martinez Anderson had to say about her experience hosting her Virtual 5 Day Challenge!!
Check out a highlight video of Cozy Convos
The Time is Now!
Dr. Guillory will teach her proven 34 Step Virtual Event Strategy! This is THE FIRST TIME she is teaching this to the public! During the MASTERCLASS, the following will be covered!
Event Goals & Purpose. How to select the best event structure. (workshop, 5 day challenge, panel discussion etc)
Social Media Promotion,
Marketing, how to use personal invitations
Event Execution, Flow, Virtual Space set up, Your content and Registration
Follow-Up, Your Additional offer, How to use the footage & testimonies
-30 Day planning calendar
The 34 step Strategy Valued at $500
Opportunity to get feedback from Dr.Guillory Valued at - Dr. Guillory's coaching sessions start at $500 per hour
The Dos and Don't of Virtual Speaking Valued at $87
30-day calendar template Valued at $27
BONUS-30 ways to get paid when you're told the budget is limited EBOOK--valued at $27
VALUED AT OVER $800!!! Yes $800!
Your Investment is ONLY $67!
Are refunds offered?-- No.
Do I need event planning experience, to attend this masterclass? Not at all! This is for all!
How long do I have access to the Masterclass? LIFETIME ACCESS
Will this strategy work, if I am hosting a virtual training? YES
Can teenagers register? YES