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100 Reasons I can give God Praise during COVID19

taken in Crete Greece in Dec 2019

I was inspired at church today to create a list of the reasons I should give God praise.

We are all in a place we never thought we'd be.

Things are hard for many. Things are overwhelming for many. There is much hurt.

Yet, there are so many reasons I can give God praise.

Initially, I planned to come up with around 20 reasons I could give God praise.

And then......

I just kept typing....

and typing.....

and typing.

And before I knew it, I had 100 reasons!!!

And guess what?? I could have typed more.

For Real!

WHAT ABOUT YOU? Can you come up with 20, 40, 60, 100, 150 reasons to give God praise???

Here are MY reasons

1. God's love

2. A bed with blankets

3. Food to eat

4. A home

5. The sun

6. The ability to see and play games with my nephews

7. The virtual game night I had with my BFF last night

8. The impromptu virtual game sessions with my family

9. The chat I had with my sister yesterday

10. My mother celebrating a birthday on Friday, April 3

11. One of my speaker clients, who is a physician, lovingly fussed at a loved one who needs to stay in place

12. The job opportunities that have been presented to my family members

13. The ability to see

14. The ability to speak

15. The ability to hear

16. The ability to help others

17. Pillows

18. My family

19. Music

20. The ability to dance

21. Salsa, Reggae, Soca Music

22. God's grace

23. God's provision

24. My health

25. Workout playlists

26. RemixFit putting routines online

27. Wifi

28. Those who have reached out to check on me

29. The fact that in the last 8 months I traveled to Greece, Aruba, Mexico & Colombia

30. My Feb 2-March 5 speaking schedule

31. The speaking invitations I am currently receiving

32. The ability for my speaking engagements to be rescheduled

33. God's direction with next steps

34. My speaker clients

35. Those who are reaching out for me to support them in reaching their speaker goals...even now

36. The ability to speak and train virtually

37. My computer

38. My cell phone

39. Funds in the bank

40. My church

41. The essential workers

42. Non-essential workers

43. Those needing work who are locating work

44. The giving of so many

45. Friends

46. Divine connection

47. My Move and Breathe event that took place on April 3

48. The ability to shelter and work in place

49. Laughter

50. Criminal Minds :)

51. IG and FB live concerts

52. IG and FB day and night parties --yaaaas!

53. The ability to create

54. My sister, Sherri, Tamara leading segments of the Move and Breathe event

55. My brother working as a truck driver

56. My dad's health

57. Zoom

58. Toilet tissue

59. The ability to style my hair (sort of)

60. The streaming platforms

61. The ability to offer upcoming virtual Self Care & Compassion Fatigue trainings for essential workers

62. The ability to offer other trainings very soon

63. My Speaker Bootcamp now being a virtual experience taking place June 26-27

64. Rest

65. Clarity

66. My nephew Callen's dinosaur sounds

67. Vision

68. Essential oils--thieves, Cedar Wood, Joy

69. Text messages and the ability to text message

70. Drinkable water

71. Being quarantined with my mom

72. My mom's cooking

73. Sprout's gummy bears

74. Things to come

75. Those being healed

76. Peace in the midst of a storm

77. My aunt successfully defending her dissertation last month

78. The free offerings on social media

79. A shower

80. A car

81. My mental health

82. My physical health

83. My spiritual health

84. The ability to journal

85. To be able to go to church online

86. Air to breathe

87. Law and Order SVU

88. My mom's laugh

89. Fully stocked stores

90. Rain

91. Oven and Microwave

92. The people I've met over the last few months

93. Friendships of 20+ years

94. That all was able to be worked out after having to cancel my women's trip to Colombia

95. Praise & Worship Music

96. The ability to give

97. God's protection

98. My robe

99. My camera/cell phone tripod

100. For the ability to freely praise the Lord

© Dr. Kristen Guillory and, 2014-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dr. Kristen Guillory and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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